RTC online launched
Twenty participants took part in the Responsible Trader in the Community Online training course and received their RTC certificates, all from the comfort of their shops/homes. The feedback has been overwhelming with participants delighted at the opportunity to train, increase their knowledge and gain skills to help them deal with difficult work situations, stated NOffLA, all at their own pace and without the time and expense involved in travelling to a training course.
As well as being user-friendly RTC Online uses interactive techniques to engage participants and offers practical solutions to daily problems faced by alcohol retailers.
RTC Online covers some very practical topics such as legal advice, knowing to always check ID and how to handle an aggressive customer.
“I thought that the role-plays and case studies were very beneficial in making the course more realistic and thus more practical in that they relate very well to situations which present themselves on a daily basis,” commented one RTC Online participant while another commented, “All of the modules applied in this course are practical and relevant to workers in off-licences”.
Another stated, “For myself, it gave me more information and ways to deal with volatile situations that I hadn’t used before, made me aware of the role I play within the community and made me very aware of the legal repercussions of one mistake. I thoroughly enjoyed the discussion side of things and others’ points-of-view”.

RTC Online covers some very practical topics such as legal advice, knowing to always check ID and how to handle an aggressive customer.