
Level of door security compliance ‘unacceptable’ states PSA

The Private Security Authority's Enforcement teams are to continue mounting countrywide inspections to ensure that door security staff at pubs and nightclubs are licensed and wearing their ID badge.

PSA Inspectors have recently visited premises in counties Cork, Dublin, Galway, Laois, Leitrim, Limerick, Longford, Meath, Roscommon, Sligo, Waterford, Westmeath, Wexford and Wicklow.

The Authority reports that compliance rates continue to improve with 90 per cent of door security staff being licensed and 69 per cent of them wearing their ID badge.

This low level of compliance in the Door Supervisor Person sector is unacceptable, stated the PSA and this sector is being specifically targeted by the its inspectors.

Some locations were visited for the second time and the Authority has now begun procedures to suspend the licences of individuals found not wearing their ID badge on both occasions.

The Authority will advise employers where the licence of an individual is suspended or revoked following an inspection at their premises.

Employers should note that they must not recruit security personnel on the "promise of a licence" but instead must seek evidence of a licence application number for the individual.

Employers can access the individual licence register on the PSA website, a useful tool in assisting employers in complying with their legal obligations.

The Authority can also assist employers who want to update their personnel records in relation to employees’ licence status by cross-checking employee lists (spreadsheet format provided by employer) with the PSA licence register.

Employers can request an employee check by emailing enforcement@psa.gov.ie

Following the results of recent inspections carried out by its inspectors the PSA has reminded employers to check that employees who are Non-EU Nationals have the required permissions to work in the security industry. Holding a Private Security Services Licence does not permit the holder to take up employment if they do not have permission to do so, the PSA stated.

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