
Importance of subscriptions

NOffLA highlights how the apparent cost-cutting strategy of not renewing a membership subscription can have highly detrimental effects.

winesNOffLA members inevitably look to save costs in times of economic stress and a membership subscription can be an easy
option in such situations. In times of crisis a strong voice is more necessary than ever and if ever there was a time for the off-licence sector to have the strongest possible voice it is now. Without a coordinated campaign to fight
in the best interests of the independent off-licence the inevitable consequences will be highly detrimental.

NOffLA asks members to regard their annual subscriptions, due on 1 April 2011, as an investment in their own future success and to support your association by renewing annual subscriptions so that the association may continue to support you.

The continued membership of each NOffLA member is also a tangible form of appreciation of the outstanding commitment and effort, on an entirely voluntary basis, from the members of the executive who give so freely and so generously of their time. There are always very many calls on our chairperson, Evelyn Jones and members of the executive to undertake specific tasks or to speak publicly on the issues that can impact seriously on NOffLA members.

The association continues to work substantially in the following ways:

• To push for greater restrictions on multiples to reduce their irresponsible price promotion of alcohol
• To lobby for the introduction of lower taxation levels specifically on alcohol that will eliminate bulk purchasing of alcohol by southern shoppers in Northern Ireland
• To highlight with government that VAT is being used to subsidise below cost selling
• To monitor the implementation of the Code of Conduct
• To put pressure on government to implement the rest of the Intoxicating Liquor Bill 2008 to afford independent traders at minimum, a level playing field
• To lobby for the reintroduction of later closing hours because Section Nine of the Liquor Bill was not implemented
• To reiterate the need for mandatory training in our business sector
• To restate the need for mandatory I.D
• To reinforce that excise levies are not the answer to tackling alcohol related issues in advance of further supplementary budgets

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