
Special training programme for retailers

NOffLA will host an intensive one day special training course, to help those working in the drinks sector know the law and so can serve customers with confidence

TrainingIn the absence of the Wine Development Board, it’s all the more welcome that the National Off Licence Association are running a special training programme aimed at all those working in the drinks retail sector. Called the Responsible Training in the Community programme, it’s an intensive one day course which covers not only the predictable areas but also the newer issues that are putting pressure on off-licence staff, such as legal points and compliance, preventing unlawful sales and responsible drinking. There will be special emphasis on the skills of communicating with customers, especially young customers, so that staff can distinguish between lawful and unlawful customers, recognise appropriate forms of indentification and, perhaps most important of all, the right words to use when refusing a sale is unavoidable.

The day will comprise a series of trainer led modules in the form of multimedia presentations and in-class excercises. Students will be obliged to complete a multi-choice questionaire at the end of the day and there will also be a follow up assessment in-store. Those who pass the exam will receive an accreditation certificate in accordance with Fás standard No QA 58/01. Nationwide locations are to be used and fees will depend on numbers attending, but NOffLA is promising to keep costs at a rate that offers maximum value for money. For details contact 01-2962326. Helen Coburn

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