Pat Nolan Blog

Saké buy any other name…

Good to hear that leading Chinese importer and distributor EMW Fine Wines has entered a new partnership with a 200 year-old Saké brewery in Tsunan, Japan, to supply mainland China with the Japanese tincture.

A tribute to Inari Okami, the god of Rice, Saké, Swordsmiths and Foxes in Japanese mythology (according to local legend), the fox spirits of Inari Okami were entrusted to guard the Torii gates, only allowing the purest of spirits to pass.

But using the highest quality rice and the fresh mountain spring water that runs through the property, the beautiful brewery in the rural Osaka Prefecture of Japan has been in continuous production for almost 200 years and kept in the same family all this time.

Thus EMW Fine Wines can expect much of its saké entitled simply Four Fox Saké…

Four Fox saké - exasperatingly simple.

Four Fox saké – exasperatingly simple.



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