MUP a factor in January’s 17.4% off-trade alcohol price rise

Beer prices rose 16.8% in January over December and they were up 13.9% on January a year ago.
This can be put down to the government’s introduction of Minimum Unit Pricing in January which saw the price of some alcohol products forced up by the incoming MUP legislation.
Thus January’s spirits off-sale prices were up 25.4% on the previous month, with spirits prices up 10.8% on January 2021.
Similarly, wine prices were up 14.9% on those in December and 5.3% on January 2021.
Beer prices rose 16.8% in January over December and they were up 13.9% on January a year ago.
In contrast, prices in licensed premises were only up 0.5% on the previous month and by 5% on January last year.
January’s on-trade spirits prices were only up by 0.7% over December and by 2.6% over January 2021.
January’s on-trade prices for wine were up 1.2% over December and 1.9% on January 2021.
Beer prices in the on-trade were up just 0.1% on those of December 2021 and 1.4% on January 2021 while soft drinks & mineral prices were up 0.9% on December and by the same amount on January 2021.
“The national average price of a pint of stout at €4.94 was up 6.1 cent on average from December 2020 while a pint of lager at €5.31 was up 4.9 cent,” commented CSO Statistician Colin Cotter of the monthly changes.
Prices generally were down 0.4% on the month and up by 5.0% on the year.