Drinks industry complies with alcohol advertising and sponsorship regs
ABFI Director Rosemary Garth has welcomed the publication of the 2009 report of the Alcohol Marketing Communications Monitoring Body (AMCMB) assessing the drinks industry’s compliance with regulations on alcohol advertising and sponsorship.
She stated recently that the report’s conclusion that the drinks industry had achieved compliance with the co-regulatory Codes of Practice proved that this structure was far more effective than restrictive legislation in ensuring alcohol marketing activities are appropriately targeted at an adult-only audience. Accordingly the drinks industry was ready to renew these Codes for the coming years, she added.
“ABFI is delighted that the AMCMB has concluded that the drinks industry has achieved overall compliance with the Codes,” she said, “Where any breaches have occurred we are resolved to act and we will take heed of those areas the AMCMB believes require clarification.
“This system builds on the success of the Codes on advertising content which have led to the virtual elimination of complaints upheld about alcohol advertising. As a result, alcohol marketing communications activities in this country are now among the most stringent in the world and comply to higher standards than in most other countries.
“The fact that these Codes apply to all media including advertising broadcast from outside the State and the internet originating here, demonstrates their effectiveness in reducing the exposure of young people to alcohol advertising. Legislation could never achieve this.
“The drinks industry is looking forward to continuing our work with Government in this area and specifically to the renewal of the co-regulatory codes on alcohol advertising placement and sponsorship.”