2 pubs served Closure Orders in July
The Jolly Rodger pub’s food production activity and food service areas in Sherkin Island, Skibbereen, Cork, numbered among seven Closure Orders served on premises under the EC (Official Control of Foodstuffs) Regulations 2010 in July.
The Sandyford House’s kitchen and food service areas in Sandyford Village, Dublin 18, were also subject to a Closure Order last month.
Five Closure Orders were also served on premises under the FSAI Act 1998 and one Prohibition Order was served under EC (Official Control of Foodstuffs) Regulations 2010. A successful prosecution was also carried out by the HSE last month.
While no pubs were among the June premises served with Enforcement Orders by EHOs, the Caoch O’Leary public house in Ballacolla, Laois, numbered among 12 Closure Orders served in May by HSE officials.