What about me?
What’s your job title?
Brand manager Carlsberg
Your favourite off-licence?
The Comet Off Licence in Santry
How do you describe yourself?
In my job it’s important to be creative, energetic, honest and to form great relationships. Outside of work I’m quite an easy-going and very active person.
What’s your favourite drink?
Carlsberg without doubt. It’s the original and by far the best tasting lager.
What’s your favourite drinks brand, outside of any brands you may represent, and why?
I’ve a lot of affection for the Smithwick’s brand. It’s a uniquely Irish brand that’s celebrating 300 years of brewing history this year so has a really rich heritage as well as a great tasting liquid.
Should drink ads be limited/banned, why/why not?
As alcohol marketers it’s vital that we ensure our products are marketed in a responsible way while recognising the positive role alcohol can play in society when consumed responsibly. We already apply some of the most stringent regulation in the world and as long as we respect these codes of practice I don’t feel there should be a need to limit advertising.
What piece of legislation would you introduce/change?
My job centers on the marketing of alcohol and in doing that it’s really important to understand and fully comply with all laws and regulations as well as our own strict internal codes of practice in this area.
The best gift you ever received?
My Sky+ box.
What possession could you not live without?
My surfboard.
What was your first job?
Assistant brand manager on Guinness working on its relationship marketing program and regional sponsorships.
What’s your favourite drink ad at the moment?
You may say I’m biased but the current Carlsberg ad is my favourite and it’s a brave strategic departure for the brand. It introduces consumers to the rich provenance and heritage of Carlsberg and this is not something we’ve shared with consumers before.
Country & western or rock ‘n roll?
Definitely rock ‘n roll.
What (if anything) was the last thing you bought on the InternetA book on Amazon
Imperium by Robert Harris.
What’s your favourite food?
Wine or beer?
What makes you laugh?
A good night in the pub or a great night in with my mates with a few Carlsberg’s.
Favourite insult?
I don’t like to insult people generally so I wouldn’t know!
Who (out of anyone in the whole world alive or dead) would you most like to have drinks with?
My fantastic fiancée Nicky.