
Q2 beer volumes fall 17%

Beer volumes fell 17.4% from April to June this year compared to the same Quarter in 2019 according to provisional revenue receipt figures from the Revenue Commissioners. Thus nett Revenue receipts for beer fell from €106.2 million to €87.8 million


Beer volumes fell 17.4% from April to June this year compared to the same Quarter in 2019.

Beer volumes fell 17.4% from April to June this year compared to the same Quarter in 2019.

Spirits too were down nearly 10% in volume and cider showed a decline of 9.4%. Nett Revenue receipts for spirits totalled €87.5 million in Q2 200 compared to 2019’s €89.2 million and Exchequer income from sales of cider slumped 10% from €16.7 million to €15.0 million.

However wine values were up 11% with nett excise receipts at €103.5 million on Q2 in 2019’s figure of €93.4 million.

Alcohol consumption overall fell by 7% in the second three months of this year, compared to the same time last year.


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