Orsen profits up
In the year to 31st December 2017 pre-tax profits rose to €1.86 million from just €133,146 the previous year on a turnover up 32% to €57.9 million according to a financial statement filed with the Companies Office.
Orsen Ltd is responsible for a number of prestigious Dublin outlets including the Dean Hotel & Everleigh Garden nightclub and the Clarence Hotel as well as the Press-Up Entertainment Group portfolio.
Once minority interests had been subtracted from the total profit figure, the company declared profits of €87,456, up from the previous year’s €36,688.
Altogether Orsen employs a total of 839 staff (including two directors) 601 of which comprise bar, restaurant, hotel, management and admin staff.
Employees and remuneration costs (salaries, social welfare and pensions) came to €18.73 million last year, up 21% on the previous year’s figure of €15.5 million for some 703 staff (of which 453 were bar, restaurant, hotel, management and administrative staff).