NOffLA invited to make submission to Small Business Advisory Group
The Minister met with NOffLA Chairperson Evelyn Jones and the Association as part of his ongoing dialogue to consult with the small business community across all sectors throughout Ireland to hear their views and most importantly, to make recommendations for action on the issues raised.
During the meeting Evelyn Jones raised the concerns of the Association and its members in relation to the survival of the independent off-licence sector in Ireland. She raised issues which NOffLA argues are key to the survival of this industry such as alcohol pricing, structural separation, mandatory training and mandatory ID.
Responding to these concerns Minister Perry asked the Association to become part of the consultative process on these issues and invited them to make a submission to the Advisory Group for Small Business.
“The Advisory Group has enabled me, as Minister for Small Business, to keep very much in touch with the reality of what is facing small businesses today,” stated the Mininster, “Their Report, which was launched last November, provided a strong input into the Action Plan for Jobs. It contains practical and pragmatic ideas which aim to address immediate barriers that small businesses face every day.
“Highlighting these issues through the Advisory Group will help to ensure that the voices of all business owners in the independent off-licence sector are heard. This will help the Government to work towards creating an environment to support them to sustain and develop their businesses.
“Small business is not only a vital part of our economy; it is a vital part of our society and local communities as well. That is why I want to ensure that the business environment is supportive for locally-traded businesses.”