
Ireland’s on-premise customer preferences vary by location – CGA

Research from CGA by NIQ reveals significant differences in spending habits, venue preferences, and drink choices between town and city dwellers versus suburban and rural consumers 

Early evening outings are in favour with suburban and rural consumers (Photo by Dominika Gregušová via Pexels)

The latest market-leading insights from CGA by NIQ’s reveal a tale of two halves in the on premise across Ireland, with distinct consumer behaviours, preferences, and motivations in towns and cities compared to rural and suburban areas.

Town and city consumers are generally younger, the latest report reveals, with almost half (45%) falling within the 18-34 age range. 

In addition, this segment generally commands a higher average income and spends an average of €157 monthly on the on premise, compared to €135 in suburban and rural areas.

Conversely, suburban and rural regions account for a larger proportion of older consumers, with 42% aged 35-54 and 30% aged 55+. 

This suggests consumers are more likely to migrate to less densely populated areas as they age, underlining the need for on premise industry stakeholders to adapt their offerings to retain engagement as consumer lifestyles evolve.

Town and city residents are highly valuable, with more than half (53%) visiting bars, pubs, restaurants, and other venues weekly. 

These consumers over-index in visits to bars (+3%) and nightclubs (+3%), while suburban and rural consumers show a preference for lower tempo, food-led venues, such as food-led pubs (+7%) and casual dining restaurants (+5%).

Early evening outings are in favour with suburban and rural consumers, aligning with their preference for food-led venues. 

In contrast, town and city consumers are more active during brunch and late-night occasions.

Drink preferences also significantly diverge, with half (47%) of town and city residents favouring beer, 38% enjoying cocktails and a quarter (25%) opting for cider (25%). 

In comparison, 37% of suburban and rural consumers lean towards spirits, 37% are regular wine drinkers and a third (33%) choose hot or soft drinks.

The research highlights a marked divide in lifestyle and venue preferences. Town and city consumers tend to prioritise material aspects and self-perception, focusing on the range and quality of drink offerings. 

Value for money is less of a concern for this group, under-indexing by -8pp.

On the other hand, suburban and rural consumers prioritise value for money (+6pp), past experience (+5pp), and overall atmosphere (+5pp), reflecting their connection to family and friends.

The data uncovers a strong inclination towards new and exciting brands among town and city consumers, particularly those prioritising organic and healthy practices. 

Whereas suburban and rural consumers prefer sticking with brands they know, like and trust for high quality and good value. 

These preferences demonstrate the importance of building brand loyalty, particularly as many town and city consumers eventually transition to suburban and rural living, ensuring sustained demand through time.

Katie Lawton, senior client manager – Ireland, CGA by NIQ, said: “There’s a clear necessity for industry stakeholders to fully appreciate the strategic implications of the distinct motivations and preferences of town and city and suburban and rural consumer groups. By doing so, drinks brands, suppliers and venue operators are better equipped to meet the needs of these diverse groups, both now and in the future.”  

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