
Good year for spirits

Spirits had a good year in the 12 months to last September with Spirits’ volume share of the Alcohol market in the off-trade rising 3.1% MAT in the year to last September according to figures from Nielsen quoted by Heineken Ireland recently.


Spirits’ volume share of the Alcohol market in the off-trade rose 3.1% MAT in the year to last September.

Spirits’ volume share of the Alcohol market in the off-trade rose 3.1% MAT in the year to last September.

The total market for alcoholic drinks was worth €4.73 billion in the year to September.

Long Alcohol Drinks, which comprised 64.8% of the total alcoholic drink market, were worth €3.1 billion for 4.82 million Hectolitres of product (down in volume by 2.8% MAT). This gave a per capita consumption figure for LADs of 4.6 pints a week.

Spirits on the other hand held a 22.7% share of the alcohol market worth €1.1 billion for 184,000 Hectolitres of spirits, up 3.1% MAT. This gave a per capita consumption figure for spirits of 2.8 shorts a week.

Wine had a 12.5% share of alcohol consumption worth €600 million for 486 Hectolitres of wine (down 2.7% MAT) giving it a per capita consumption rate of 2.6 glasses a week.

In the 12 months to last September the on-trade continued to enjoy a share of 51.7% of the total alcohol market despite a 2.3% fall in volumes. LADs had an on-trade share of 57.8% (down 2.3%) of the total LAD market to the off-trade’s 42.2% (down 3.4%) while on-trade spirits held 27.7% (down 2.1%) to the off-trade’s share of 72.3% (down 5.2%).

Off-trade wine sales fell 2.7%.

The off-trade recorded a fall in volume of 2.9% for overall alcohol although it retained its 48.3% share of the market.

In value terms, Beer held 55.9% of the total alcohol market while Spirits held 22.7%, Wine 12.5%, Cider 7.7% and ‘rest of LAD’ (comprising spirits mixers & wine alternatives) 1.3%.

Beer held a 69.6% share of the on-trade alcohol market by value with Spirits holding 21.2%, Cider 8.1% and rest of LAD 0.9%.

In the off-trade Wine held a 35% share of the overall market for alcohol by value with Beer holding 30.7%, Spirits 25.4%, Cider 7.0% and rest of LAD 1.9%.



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