Sod’s Law in Action or freezers on fire at Christmas
“With our 70 cover restaurant fully-booked one Christmas and in anticipation of the Christmas week deliveries arriving, I asked husband Clive to defrost a freezer which he did – with a blow torch.
“This flame-thrower, balanced on a box of 48 dozen paper napkins, was aimed at the iced-up interior. What genius! As events panned out and in need of the loo, he popped off for a couple of minutes and the inevitable happened, the blow torch toppled and the result was a rapidly spreading fire in the food store (ah those napkins).
“I can’t remember how many freezers full of prepped Christmas stock we lost, or how hard it made it to operate as normal – I think I have blanked the pain from my mind – all I know was that this would only ever happen at the busiest week of the year, any other time that blowtorch would have stayed upright! That’s the Law of Sod!
“Whether it’s fridges breaking, grills, fryers or microwaves blowing-up, Sod’s Law insists they are all pre-programmed in the factory to never break down until it causes maximum nuisance.”