On-trade beer prices up 2.5%
The price of Alcoholic Beverages in the off-trade rose by 2.3% in that 12 month period. These comprised a 1.4% increase in Spirits prices, a 3.3% increase in Wine prices and a 0.8% rise in Beer prices.
However October’s off-trade prices fell by 2.0% compared to the previous month, September 2021.
These comprised a 4.6% drop in Spirits prices, a 1.2% drop in Wine prices and a 1.3% drop in Beer prices.
Prices in the Licensed Premises sector showed growth of 1.7% over the year comprising a 2.3% rise in Spirits prices, a 0.3% rise in Wine and Soft Drink & Mineral Water prices and a 2.5% rise in Beer prices.
Over the month, prices in Licensed Premises grew by just 0.1%. These comprised a 0.1% rise in Spirits and Beer prices and a 0.2% increase in Wine prices.
According to the CSO, prices generally rose by 5.1% in the year to October.