July restaurant card spend up 35%
Total credit and debit card spend decreased by 2% (or by €137 million) to €8 billion in July compared to June according to Central Bank figures.

Overall card expenditure was 11% or €808 million higher in July than in July 2021.
But overall card expenditure was 11% or €808 million higher in July than in July 2021 when Covid-related restrictions limited certain in-person spend.
All headline sectors saw year-on-year increases, with the Social sector recording the highest increase of 29% (or €182 million) to €811,383.
This was driven by an increase in restaurant spending – the second-highest year-on-year increase of 35% (or up €140 million) to €537,617 – while spending on entertainment increased by 18% or €41 million to €258,179.