Heineken0.0 challenges status quo with disruptive new campaign
The team at Heineken0.0 enlisted the help of interagency partners Publicis Dublin, Red Star Media and Thinkhouse for the ‘Zero explanation needed’ campaign which is rooted in an insight particularly pertinent in Ireland, that people often feel pressure to drink alcohol when socialising – even when they prefer to go alcohol-free.
They don’t want to face the questions surrounding ‘why’ they’re choosing 0.0 options but why should they have to justify their drinking choices? Heineken0.0 now empowers consumers to choose non-alcoholic options, with zero explanation needed.
Out-of-home ads are popping-up in cities across the country.
The campaign also features a national radio and digital-audio series.
“There’s a huge positive movement towards more choice and moderation in Ireland” said Heineken0.0 Brand Manager Anna Walsh, “but we still have a journey to go in making Heineken0.0 a choice for whenever you fancy a beer.
“We want to eliminate any sense of the ‘odd-one-out’ feeling that Irish people may sometimes experience when choosing 0.0 options.
“The focus should be about what really matters… the people and having the craic.”
Heineken0.0 is available in draught, bottle and can format in pubs and restaurants nationwide.