EU candidates to be ‘quizzed’ on beer views
In the so-called ‘beer-o-meter’, candidates are invited to react to five statements. Shortly before the elections, beer consumers across Europe will be invited to participate and learn which candidates support a vibrant and diverse beer culture.
“The European beer market is evolving rapidly,” says Henri Reuchlin, EBCU Chairman, “We see many new breweries starting up, also in countries not typically associated with beer such as Italy or Spain. Other countries celebrate their newly re-found beer traditions.”
However beer culture is endangered by a threat of unilateral focus on irresponsible drinking and excessive taxation in many countries, points out the EBCU.
“As consumers we want to stress that the majority of beer drinkers in Europe enjoy their beer in moderation,” stated Henri Reuchlin who believes that beer consumers should have the chance to taste some local variety – even at tied bars, “The diversity in beer styles across the Continent is a great asset which should be supported.”
Furthermore, consumers should have the right to know what’s in the bottle and who brewed the beer.
“After all, what’s more intimate than the food and drink we swallow to nourish ourselves?” he continued, “Finally, keep the price of a pint at acceptable levels. No over-taxation or super profits for breweries please. Why should beer drinkers across Europe be singled out for additional taxation?”
The European Beer Consumers Union is a federation of 13 independent national beer consumer organisations across Europe with a combined membership of over 220,000 members.
“Beer is the only foodstuff that I’m aware of that has a dedicated consumer organisation on a European level,” stated Henri, “There’s no such council of chocolate eaters or society of whisky sniffers.
That should tell you something. Beer is a product to be passionate about.”