
Eristoff up 1 Elite place in IWSR listing

Eristoff vodka has moved up one place to Seventh in the International Wine & Spirit Research’s recently-published Elite Brands list.

The key requirement for inclusion in the list is the ability to demonstrate sustained international growth. Just 11 brands met IWSR’S strict criteria this year.  

An Elite brand must sell more than one million cases worldwide and demonstrate an international presence, with at least 40 per cent of sales outside its main market. These spirits must also achieve a consistently steady Compound Annual Growth Rate of at least five per cent over five years.

Eristoff has been enjoying a (CAGR) of 8.2 per cent over the last five years and rose from eighth to seventh this year.
“Eristoff’s continued presence in the IWSR Elite Brands list demonstrates that we are a truly global brand and reflects our continued investment in growth in new markets,” commented Eristoff’s Marketing Manager here Tiernan O Morain, adding, ”Eristoff is an outstanding brand with a great quality taste and a sharp consumer focus.“

Earlier this year Eristoff achieved a prestigious Silver Outstanding award in the International Wine and Spirit Competition. It’s now available in 60 countries across Europe, Russia, South America and Asia-Pacific and is also recognised as the top vodka brand (by volume) in Austria, Portugal, Belgium, Chile and the Dominican Republic.

Eristoff – now Number Seven in IWSR’s Elite Brands list.

Eristoff – now Number Seven in IWSR’s Elite Brands list.

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