Covid guidelines must be followed warns VFI

VFI Chief Executive Padraig Cribben emphasised that while the vast majority of pubs are complying with the regulations – specifically the need to ask for proof of immunity – any venue found to be in breach of the guidelines needs to understand there will be sanctions.
Government officials requested at today’s meeting that trade associations assist with efforts to promote the message to the wider public that adherence to public health best practices remains of paramount importance.
VFI Chief Executive Padraig Cribben emphasised that while the vast majority of pubs are complying with the regulations – specifically the need to ask for proof of immunity – any venue found to be in breach of the guidelines needs to understand there will be sanctions.
He also stated that the enforcement powers of both the HSE and HSA need be used more widely. Only a credible threat of enforcement will bring those flouting the law into line believes the VFI.
“Publicans, the authorities and the wider public all need to work together to ensure we can return to normal life without restrictions as soon as possible,” said Padriag Cribben, “For the present, we all need to focus on compliance and awareness, all venues should continue checking for proof of immunity along with the other required measures while the public need to play their part through wearing masks and following the rules currently in place.”