Card spend up 21% in restaurants

In annual terms both restaurants/dining’s and entertainment’s spends for May 2021 are significantly higher – by 103% and 72% respectively – compared to May 2020 when the spend on restaurants was €115.8 million and that on entertainment was €109.7 million.
Spending on ‘entertainment’ grew 4% over the April figure (to €188.1 million) according to the Central Bank.
In annual terms both restaurants/dining’s and entertainment’s spends for May 2021 are significantly higher – by 103% and 72% respectively – compared to May 2020 when the spend on restaurants was €115.8 million and that on entertainment was €109.7 million.
Detailed monthly data for May 2021 show that total card spending, including ATM withdrawals, equated to €6.8 billion, an increase of 10% (or €620 million) compared to April.
In annual terms, an increase of 40% (or €1.9 billion) was recorded in May. However, it must be noted that spending was still significantly constricted in May 2020, following the introduction of Covid-19 public health restrictions in late-March 2020.