Bar sales up over 700% in February
February’s monthly change from January, however, was much less striking with bar sales volumes up 14% on January and bar sales values up 16% according to provisional seasonally-adjusted figures from the Central Statistics Office.
Comparing provisional seasonally-adjusted bar sales in February 2022 with those of pre-pandemic February 2020, the CSO indicates that volumes were down 30.2% (still one of the largest decreases in the volume of sales in February 2022 compared to February 2020) while values were down 25.4%.
Across the three-month period December 2021 to February 2022, bar sales were up in volume by 225% and by 235% in value when compared to the same three-month period a year ago.
Comparing the December 2021 to February 2022 period to the immediately preceding September to November 2021 period bar sales volumes were down 29% while values were down 26%.
Final seasonally-adjusted figures for January from the CSO indicate that bar sales volumes were up 511% on January 2021 while values were up 522%.
Compared to the previous month, December 2021, January’s bar sales volumes were up 14.9% while values were up 15.1%.
Retail Sales volumes generally were up 2.2% in February compared to a year ago and they were up 0.9% compared with the previous month, January.