Bar Manager degree begins in 2019
The news comes after the Apprenticeship Council of Ireland approved the course for development earlier this year.
The three-year degree course has been designed in partnership with the VFI, LVA and the wider industry including Diageo, Heineken and Febvre Wines.
The Bar Manager’s Degree will form part of Minister for Education Richard Bruton’s target of 9,000 new entrants each year in new apprenticeships.
“The original idea for the degree came from Limerick VFI member JJ Mulcahy,” said Michael McNamara, Strategy and Public Affairs Manager with Griffith College.
VFI Chief Executive Padraig Cribben pointed out that, “This new degree will give graduates a qualification that’s recognised worldwide.
“The apprenticeship model is the perfect blend of ‘hands on’ experience and college work. It’s time bar managers received a qualification like the degree that has been available in hotel management for many years”.
The apprenticeship model, which has been so successful in Germany, is very attractive for those who’re accepted on the scheme. It’s a ‘learn and earn’ model which sees the apprentice paid a full-time salary.
Allowed to study on the job, he or she can be released for lectures one day a week at one of the Griffith College campuses in Dublin, Cork and Limerick, with continual assessment and applied learning part of the course.
The syllabus and course content has been agreed and developed by the employers who’ve designed the Occupational Profile for those attending the proposed three-year QQI degree at level 7 on the National Framework on Qualifications.
The state agencies involved are SOLAS working with HEA and QQI.
The three-year course will cost €600 a year and a minimum of 20 people will be required for the course.