October Restaurant/Dining sector card spend up 112%

Total card spend, including ATM withdrawals, fell 2%, or by €147 million to €7.3 billion, last October compared to the previous month.
Compared to September 2021’s card spend of €411,411, October’s Restaurants/Dining spend was up 3% or by €14 million.
Total card spend, including ATM withdrawals, fell 2%, or by €147 million to €7.3 billion, last October compared to the previous month and latest daily data to the 21st of November shows total spending increasing over the month, with the total spending 3% higher than the same period in October.
In annual terms, an increase of 15%, or €973 million, was recorded from October 2020’s €6.3 billion spend figure.
Spending overall on social activities increased by 4% in October to €703.5 million compared to the previous month and by 65% compared to October 2020 when it stood at €425.2 million.