Licensed Wisdom XXXIII
“I will not pretend that the insurance companies are white knights. They have been unhelpful in terms of how they hold their information.” – Minister Michael D’Arcy Minister of State at the Department of Finance and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform with special responsibility for Financial Services and Insurance in response to criticism of insurance companies in a recent Dáil debate on crippling insurance premia.
“If there are higher levels of awards than ours anywhere in the European Union, we were unable to find them.” – Head of the Personal Injuries Commission and former High Court president Nicholas Kearns at the International Fraud Prevention conference in Dublin.
“I think the pub is invariably tied back into our nation’s brand – as in Guinness, for example, but also closely on its heels is having a Guinness in an Irish pub.” – Paul Keeley, Director of Commercial Development at Fáilte Ireland.
“One of the big trends in global tourism is the search for authenticity and there the pub has a very important role to play.” – Paul Keeley, Director of Commercial Development at Fáilte Ireland.
“Ireland is renowned for its landscapes and seascapes, it’s now time for us to add our incredible indigenous food and drinks industry to this mix to make Ireland an unparalleled experience for any visitor.” – Pól O Conghaile, travel writer, addressing Fáilte Ireland’s Taste the Island workshop in Croke Park.
“We’re getting a lot of talk, tea & sympathy – without the tea in most cases” – VFI Chief Executive Padraig Cribben at this year’s AGM on attempts to get Government to address the lack of rural transport outside the capital.