Licensed wisdom V
“The Storehouse is a world class product and nobody should have to defend the decision to take Her Majesty there.” – Paul Carty, Managing Director of the Guinness Storehouse.
“The industry is really exploding in Ireland.” – Unfortunate metaphor used in relation to whiskey distilling by Ally Alpine of the Celtic Whiskey Shop in promoting his Whiskey Live Dublin show last month.
“Alcoholic drinks are treated as ethanol-delivery mechanisms, with calculations of ‘units per pence’ and appropriate concentrations guiding choice of drink. There is social pressure to be as drunk as everyone else.” – warn researchers ICM in a report to UK charity Drinkaware ‘Drunken nights out: motivations, norms and rituals in the night time economy’.
“The nearest we have to an Irish beer is Guinness – the nearest local beer is Heineken.” – a waiter in Kilkee advising a foreign guest on local beers, thus proving that we’ve still a long way to go in educating some members of staff.
“When I go back to Amsterdam to look for investment, it’s proving to be more difficult when they look and they see a hostile [environment] – maybe that’s too strong-a-word – but an environment where there’s an anti-industry feeling. They look at the policies form the government.” – Heineken Ireland Chief Executive Maggie Timmoney in The Sunday Times Business section.