Two new reports from Wine Intelligence there indicate that discounts may be having less impact on...
Revenue seizes €0.5m of illegal alcohol to date in 2011
According to figures obtained by Drinks Industry Ireland from the Revenue Commissioners in 2010 the...
Minister launches review of voluntary Code for sale &...
The voluntary Code was introduced in 2008 as an alternative to the statutory rules for structural...
Roisín Shortall consults Attorney General over minimum pricing
And in a speech to a conference on Supporting Children Living with Parental Substance Misuse, she...
O’Donovans’ 11th Cork Wine Fair
400 wines will be showcased alongside premium beers and spirits, cheeses and gourmet foods...
UK government to consider ‘production costs’ in below-cost ban?
According to the trade title M&C Report there, any action to include the cost of production...
Cocooning continues apace
In the UK, 35 per cent of consumers now think drinking at home is less hassle than going to a bar –...
Over-packaged alcohol products not a major consumer concern
In The Future of Sustainable Alcoholic Beverage Packaging it finds that 20 per cent of consumers...
NoffLA Speaks: Ireland Looking Silly!
“The inability of mature, sensible adults to purchase alcohol after 10pm, except in a pub, is...
NOffLA Speaks: Reverse 10pm close
In an increasingly difficult economic climate, some members of the National Off-Licence Association...