Reduction in counterfeit alcohol detections
Similarly the amount of counterfeit alcoholic product seized fell 66% from 293.4 litres to 99.9 litres according to the latest figures from the Revenue Commissioners.
This compares to 194.25 litres in 2013 and 86.66 litres in 2014.
When it comes to alcohol, clear spirits – mainly vodka – remains the most counterfeit type of alcohol, produced illicitly, bottled and packaged to resemble the genuine product.
In many cases, the alcohol is sourced from the world of industrial alcohol which often contains high quantities of methanol and isopropyl alcohol, commonly found in nail varnish remover. These dangerous substances can cause breathing difficulties, liver damage and blindness.
When the Revenue Commissioners detain such products, they’re referred to the State Laboratory for analysis and to the manufacturer for confirmation of authenticity/non-authenticity.
Revenue would like to remind anyone that if businesses or members of the public have any information regarding the smuggling or sale of illicit alcohol, tobacco products or counterfeit goods they can contact Revenue in confidence on free phone number 1800 295 295.