Bud Ice tops outdoor spend in June
Budweiser Ice Cold topped brand spend for outdoor advertising in June at €473,986 (ratecard), according to PML Group’s Posterwatch.
Carlsberg Lager took second place, spending €466,970 while Heineken Lager took fifth place with €322,065.
As a category, Beers & Ciders took top spend in June with a total value of €1.9 million. Soft Drinks’s category spend took it into 10th place with €644,466.
PML Group analysed the alcohol category to find that following Budweiser Ice Cold, Carlsberg and Heineken, Bulmers Original took fourth place with a spend of €140,709 followed by Miller Genuine Draft (€115,399), Smirnoff Flavours (€83,751) and Jameson’s ‘Easygoing’ campaign (€77,027) took seventh place.