Barry & Fitzwilliam — one of 20 Deloitte Best Managed Companies
The company was recognised at an awards gala dinner in the Burlington Hotel in Dublin recently, where the winners were joined by Peter Sutherland as special guest speaker.
The Deloitte Best Managed Companies Awards Programme recognises indigenous Irish companies across the island of Ireland operating at the highest levels of business performance. It seeks to identify the best-managed companies through a valuation process that extends far beyond financial results. The programme is unique in that it recognises the efforts of the entire organisation, not just one individual.
In accepting the award on behalf of his colleagues B&F Managing Director Michael Barry stated, “With over 100 premium international brands, 70 staff and an anticipated turnover of €72 million in 2011, we are always adding to our portfolio in order to enhance our reputation as a key player in the industry. This award copper-fastens our reputation as a serious player in our market sector”.