2014’s whisk(e)y sales up 10m cases globally
‘Local spirits’ sales declined by 7.4 million cases globally while imported spirits grew by 4.3 million cases, though not enough to offset the global decline.
The Americas, CIS and Europe posted declines in consumption of local spirits. Imported spirits continued to grow in the Americas and Europe albeit it at a slower pace than in 2013.
Whisk(e)y and flavoured spirits are driving growth in the Americas as whisk(e)y and gin perform well in Europe while flavoured spirits and vodka fall out of favour.
Whisk(e)y was the largest-growing category globally, adding 10 million cases and growing in its domestic and export markets. India, the US and Angola were the top three largest-growth markets.
Africa & the Middle East saw the largest growth in percentage terms of total spirits consumption; the region gained 1.2 million cases of local spirits and 1.5 million of imported spirits, asserting itself as a key region for growth and investment.
The global wine market fell 1.1% in 2014, a loss of 39.5 million cases, states ISWR.
Global consumption of beer also declined in 2014 while cider and mixed drinks reported growth.